[COMPANY NEWS] HEPA Filter Clean Booth Medical Easy Installation Cleanroom Clean Booth, Movable Cleanroom, Clean Roo 日期:2022-10-20 07:51:03 点击:86 好评:0
HEPA Filter Clean Booth Medical Easy Installation Cleanroom Clean Booth, Movable Cleanroom, Clean Room Booth Usage: AutoIndustry,PowerIndustry,PetrochemicalIndustry,MechanicalEngineering,Transportation,BuildingIndustry,Pharmaceutical,FoodInd...
[COMPANY NEWS] Stainless Steel Frame Fan Filter Unit FFU for Non-Dust Workspace 日期:2022-10-19 19:21:30 点击:142 好评:0
Stainless Steel Frame Fan Filter Unit FFU for Non-Dust Workspace Clapboard: withoutClapboard MediumMaterial: Fiberglass FiltrationGrade: HEPAFilter Type: PanelFilter CasingMaterial: GalvalumeSheet,StainlessSteelorAviationAlumi Fan: DomesticM...
[COMPANY NEWS] HMG-HEPA Gel Seal Mini-Pleat Panel Filter 日期:2022-10-19 07:18:09 点击:71 好评:0
HMG-HEPA Gel Seal Mini-Pleat Panel Filter Clapboard: withoutClapboard FilterNumber: 1 MediumMaterial: Fiberglass Efficiency: H14 FiltrationGrade: HEPAFilter Type: GelSealMini-PleatPanelFilter Model NO. HMG Structure L-Type Side Gel Seal, Y-T...
[COMPANY NEWS] Glass Fiber Bag Filter Media for Air Filters M6, F7, F8, F9 日期:2022-10-18 19:15:52 点击:130 好评:0
Glass Fiber Bag Filter Media for Air Filters M6, F7, F8, F9 Material: Non-woven MediumMaterial: PolyesterFibers Type: PocketFilter FiltrationGrade: G3-M6 FilterBagSectionalShape: Flatbag FilterBagEnvironment: RoomTemperature Model NO. HBG Fr...
[COMPANY NEWS] HVAC Pleated Activated Carbon Air Filter Manufacturer 日期:2022-10-18 12:30:02 点击:108 好评:0
HVAC Pleated Activated Carbon Air Filter Manufacturer Clapboard: withoutClapboard MediumMaterial: ActivatedCarbon TransportPackage: CarbonandWoodenCase Trademark: KOSA Origin: Shanghai Model NO. HACP HS Code 8421999090 Product Description Ad...
[COMPANY NEWS] Compact Rigid Filter for The Air Conditioning with 4V-Bank 日期:2022-10-17 19:10:37 点击:187 好评:0
Compact Rigid Filter for The Air Conditioning with 4V-Bank Clapboard: withoutClapboard FilterNumber: 8 MediumMaterial: Fiberglass Efficiency: ActicatedCarbonGranulr FiltrationGrade: ActicatedCarbonGranulr Type: VBankFilter Model NO. HACB Med...
[COMPANY NEWS] Single Person Automatic Air Shower Suppliers 日期:2022-10-17 07:20:13 点击:143 好评:0
Single Person Automatic Air Shower Suppliers Application: PetrochemicalIndustry,PrecisionElectronicIndustry,MetallurgicalIndustry,ThermalPowerIndustry,Pharmaceutical,FoodIndustry,PrecisionIndustry,AutoIndustry,RubberIndustry,FinancialInstitu...
[COMPANY NEWS] Hmu- Mini-Pleat ULPA PTFE Panel Filter 日期:2022-10-16 07:20:25 点击:190 好评:0
Hmu- Mini-Pleat ULPA PTFE Panel Filter Clapboard: withoutClapboard FilterNumber: 1 MediumMaterial: Fiberglass Efficiency: U15 FiltrationGrade: ULPAFilter Type: PanelFilter Model NO. HMU Media PTFE Frame Anodized Aluminum or Stainless Steel....
[COMPANY NEWS] Ceiling Laminar Air Flow Cabinet for Hospital Clean Rooms 日期:2022-10-15 07:50:02 点击:145 好评:0
Ceiling Laminar Air Flow Cabinet for Hospital Clean Rooms InstallationMethod: Horizontal OperationType: Automatic MediumMaterial: Glassfiber BoxMaterial: WallPlate,SprayColdRolledSteelPlateetc Installation: SuspensionorBracketSupport Transpo...
[COMPANY NEWS] V-Cell Air Filter (high capacity) HVAC 日期:2022-10-14 19:24:04 点击:54 好评:0
V-Cell Air Filter (high capacity) HVAC Clapboard: withoutClapboard Efficiency: G5-H10 FiltrationGrade: MediumFilter Type: VBankFilter Media: Non-WovenFabricswithPleatedMeshSupporter Temperature: Maximum90°cinContinuousService Model NO. HMV...